The Day 1089 COVID-19 Report of India

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As per the Day 1089 COVID-19 Report of India, there are 5389 active cases of COVID-19 in 4,41,58,161 COVID-19 patients have been discharged, and 5,30,799 persons have lost their lives in India to date.

New Delhi (ABC Live): The Day 1089 COVID-19 Report of India: Today was the 1089 day of India’s Fight against Coronavirus: ABC Research Report.

As per the Day 1089 COVID-19 Report of India, there are 5389 active cases of  COVID-19 in  4,41,58,161 COVID-19 patients have been discharged, and  5,30,799 persons have lost their lives in India to date.

The ABC Research team keeping a close watch on COVID-19 in India since  25/03/2020 and reports that the number of active COVID-19 cases today increased by 363   by subtracting the total new positive cases reported today.

According to the ABC Research team’s interim report on COVID-19 out of the total number of 5389 active COVID-19 cases in India, 1665 active cases are alone from Kerala, which amounts to 31 % of total active COVID-19 cases in India today.

The further interim report says Karnataka 584, Maharashtra 1029, Tamil Nadu 304, Telangana 268 and Gujarat 521 COVID-19 cases constitute 50 % of total positive COVID-19 in India.

It is pertinent to mention that 02 COVID-19 deaths were reported today and also 02 reconciled deaths were declared today which was not reported earlier. Apart from these deaths ZERO death was reported in Kerala today with COVID-19.

According to the COVID-19 Vaccination Day 792 Report based on the data provided by MoHFW on its official website a total of 2,206,497,638 vaccine doses have been given till today.  

On the testing of the capacity of India, the ICMR reported on 17/03/2023 that 92,02,14,252 COVID-19 tests were conducted to date and 1,02,591 new samples were taken during the last 24 hours.  

The following is the list of actions/announcements made by the Government of India along with updates from Indian Courts of law, NHRC, RBI, SEBI, TRAI, IRDAI, etc.

The Ministry of Health and Family did not release detailed COVID-19 for Day 1089 and also did not issue a precise COVID-19 indicator of the day.

The Ministry of Health and Family released the data of COVID-19 Vaccination Day 792 on its official website which says that a total of 2,206,497,638 vaccinations were administered as of date.

The Ministry of Health and family did not release the data on the number of vaccine doses that have been provided to States/UTs, the number of doses still with the States/UTs, and the total number of doses utilized including wastage remained.

The PIB did not issue a press release today regarding data on COVID19 Vaccination for 12-14 years which was started on 16/03/2022 but MoHFW on its official website informed that a total of 7,38,25,539 vaccination doses were given as of date to children of age 12-14 year.

The ABC Research team reports that no data was released on data on the number of vaccine doses that have been provided to States/UTs, the number of doses still with the States/UTs, and a total number of doses utilized including wastage remained. The total number of doses administered today was 7,160 (As per CoWIN Data) and 9,095 as per MoHFW Data), therefore by keeping in view the huge ambiguity in the data provided by the government agencies, the ABC Research team has decided to publish a detailed report of India’s vaccination data after proper verification of vaccination data of India.

The ICMR issued data on COVID-19 Tests conducted on 18/03/2023.

The CoWIN dashboard, the official website of India's COVID-19 vaccination program confirmed that to date  1,10,90,75,903 persons registered themselves for getting COVID-19 Vaccines, out of these 4,21,01,382 age of 12-14 years 6,29,44,026 are of the age group of 15-17 years, 63,35,58,901 are of the age group of 18-44 years and the remaining  37,04,14,047 belong to the age group 45+. Further, the CoWIN dashboard data says that against 1,10,90,75,903 registered for vaccination, a total of 2,20,64,77,340 have been vaccinated, meaning thereby that 1,09,74,01,437 persons were vaccinated more than the registered numbers.

The Ministry of Health and family, on the COVID-19 Vaccination Day 792 a total of vaccine doses 2,206,497,638 have been given till today, whereas as per  COWIN  2,20,64,77,340 doses were administered as of date, out of these 1,02,73,87,613 were the first doses 95,19,23,893 were the second doses And the remaining 22,71,65,834 were booster doses, the meaning thereby there is a difference  20,298 vaccine doses in both the vaccine data issued by the government of India's official agencies in favour of  CoWIN Data.

The PIB did not issue a Daily Bulletin on Covid-19 today

The Day 1088 COVID-19 Report of India

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