Explained: Whether Geopolitics Plays Roles in Rise of Narendra Modi in India?

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While the US-India partnership may have contributed to Modi's stature on the global stage and enhanced his government's capabilities in certain areas, attributing his ascent solely to international relations would oversimplify the complex dynamics of Indian politics. Domestic factors remain paramount in understanding the rise of political leaders like Narendra Modi.

New Delhi (ABC Live): The strategic geopolitical considerations and the deepening defence, technology, and economic cooperation between the United States and India have certainly influenced the broader geopolitical landscape in the Indo-Pacific region, including India's strategic position, it is important to differentiate between the role of international relations and domestic political dynamics in the ascent of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India.

Geopolitical Considerations: The United States sees India as a crucial partner in its efforts to counterbalance China's growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region. This geopolitical alignment has led to closer ties between the two countries.

Defence and Technology Cooperation: The defence and technology cooperation between the US and India, as evidenced by collaborations such as the production of fighter jet engines and the purchase of Predator drones, demonstrates a deepening strategic partnership in the defence sector.

Military Capacity to Counter China: Strengthening India's military capacity aligns with US interests in maintaining stability and security in the region, particularly in light of China's assertive actions.

Economic and Geopolitical Factors: Modi's efforts to cultivate relationships with successive US presidents and India's strategic autonomy while benefiting from the partnership with the US highlight the multifaceted nature of India-US relations. Economic cooperation and geopolitical considerations have undoubtedly played a role in shaping Modi's foreign policy approach.

However, it's essential to recognize that while international relations and geopolitical factors can influence domestic politics, including the rise of political leaders, Narendra Modi's ascent as Prime Minister of India was primarily driven by domestic factors. His popularity, leadership within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), campaign strategies, and domestic policies were critical factors in his electoral success.

While the US-India partnership may have contributed to Modi's stature on the global stage and enhanced his government's capabilities in certain areas, attributing his ascent solely to international relations would oversimplify the complex dynamics of Indian politics. Domestic factors remain paramount in understanding the rise of political leaders like Narendra Modi.

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