Know Ahmed Mansoor Al Shehhi Who was First Attacked By Pegasus Spyware in 2016

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Ahmed Mansoor Al Shehhi is an Emirati Human rights activist who in 2015 was awarded the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders.

New Delhi (ABC Live India); The Indian Media published a report wherein a list containing the names of Indian Journalists were revealed whose privacy was breached by using Pegasus spyware developed by Israeli cyber firm NSO Group.

The name of Pegasus spyware is not new to all working cybersecurity as the first time it was reported in 2016 when an iPhone belonging to a human rights activist namely Ahmed Mansoor was reported infected by this deadly spyware.

Ahmed Mansoor was the first Person attacked by Pegasus Spyware

Ahmed Mansoor Al Shehhi is an Emirati Human rights activist who in 2015 was awarded the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders.

Mansoor was arrested as one of the UAE Five in April 2011 on charges of breaking United Arab Emirates law of defamation by insulting heads of state and later pardoned by UAE's President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed.

Following his pardon, Mansoor was put under surveillance by the UAE government using Pegasus Spyware developed by the NSO Group, as thereafter his passport was confiscated, his car was stolen, his email was hacked, his locations were tracked, his bank account emptied, and was beaten by strangers twice in the same week during 2013-2014.

in August 2016, when a failed attempt was made while installing Pegasus Spyware on an iPhone belonging to Ahmed Mansoor under Project Raven, and thereafter an investigation revealed the details about the Pegasus spyware, its abilities, and the security vulnerabilities it exploited.

Emirati Human Right activist was again arrested in March 2017 on charges of using social media platforms to threaten public order and publish false and misleading information. He was found guilty and convicted for threatening state security and given a prison sentence of 10 years.

In April 2019, the Human Rights Watch raised concerns over Mansoor’s deteriorating health due to his hunger strike, which he started a month back to protest against his unjust imprisonment. 

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