Explained: How Amritsar G20 Education Meet Can Spread Idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam?

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"Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya - means from darkness, lead me to light" – Upanishads, meaning thereby that G20 Sherpa in Amritsar 2nd Education Working Group Meeting can use India’s ancient times strength for G20 education agenda for Ministers and also work on commitment made in Bali on education front.

Amritsar (ABC Live): G20 Sherpa are meeting for 2nd Education Working Group Meeting in religious city of Amritsar from 15/03/2023 to 17/03/2023.

It on records that 1st Education Working Group was held in Chennai where G20 Sherpa prepared the initial grounds for the G20 education agenda, the three days Amritsar meet will further work to imbibe the theme of India’s G20 Presidency, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” in G20 education agenda to be discussed by the G20 Education Ministers.

The G20 Education Ministers in Bali committed as under;

“22.We are committed to reimagining and rebuilding more resilient, effective,equitable, inclusive and adaptive education systems that are better prepared for ongoing and future crises and to support countries in the urgent design and implementation of recovery-oriented policies to tackle learning loss brought about by the pandemic and other crises to work towards the achievement of balanced and harmonious oriented well-being and universal quality education by 2030.
23. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting knowledge-sharing to address the diverse challenges in education and to working together across the areas of universal quality education, digital technology in education, solidarity and partnership, and future of work in the spirit of gotong royong.
24. We reaffirm our commitment with the United Nations to transform education by integrating approaches, learning resources, and methods in education policies and practices and to open greater opportunities for international cooperation, solidarity and partnership. We underline the importance of bringing the voice of the G20 to the 2022 Transforming Education Summit that serves as our concerted efforts to help shape a more peaceful, inclusive, gender equal, and sustainable future for humanity and the planet.”

The G20 Sherpa are meeting for 2nd Education Working Group Meeting has to make their heads together to draw roadmap on the basis of Bali commitments through the idea of India’s G20 Presidency Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and being a part of the ABC Research Team I will try to find answers for the same.

India, from ancient times, has been a centre of higher learning as it is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Historically, Universities and libraries were a big part of the Indus-Valley Civilization.

"Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya - means from darkness, lead me to light" – Upanishads, meaning thereby that G20 Sherpa in Amritsar 2nd Education Working Group Meeting can use India’s ancient times strength for G20 education agenda for Ministers and also work on commitment made in Bali on education front.

Currently, India G20 Presidency is spreading the concept of Unity through Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and further term Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam always remains a mantra of India's diplomatic character since 1947 to till date.

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