The Day 872 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India

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The Day 872 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India based on the data provided by MoHFW on its official website states that a total 2,206,713,866 vaccine whereas CoWIN latest data of 06/06/2023 is not available on official website of COWIN till 6 AM 07/06/2023.

New Delhi (ABC Live): The Day 872 COVID-19 Vaccination Report of India based on the data provided by MoHFW on its official website  states that a total 2,206,713,866 vaccine whereas CoWIN latest data of 06/06/2023 is not available on official website of COWIN till 6 AM 07/06/2023.

The COVID-19 Vaccination for 12-14 years which was started on 17/03/2022 till today a total of 7,38,34,016 vaccination doses have been given to children of age 12-14 year in India.

The ABC Research team reports No CoWIN Data  uploaded on official on 06/06/2023 whereas MoHFW Data says that 615 doses were administered today therefore keeping in view the huge ambiguity in the website data provided by the government agencies, the ABC Research team will publish a detailed report on India’s vaccination drive after proper verification after ABC Research team decided to conclude its daily reporting on COVID-19.

India’s Active Caseload currently stands at 3001.The Active cases now constitute 0.01% of the country's total COVID-19 cases reported.

The ABC Research Team has prepared data on the basis of data provided on 06/06/2023 by the CoWIN dashboard for Day 872 of Vaccination drive launched on 17 January 2021 which is available for research can be asked by responding to email;

The Ministry of Health and family data on the COVID-19 Vaccination of Day 872 says that 2,206,713,251 (MoHFW) whereas 2,206,713,866 vaccine whereas CoWIN latest data of 06/06/2023 is not available on official website of COWIN till 6 AM 07/06/2023.

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