Explained: The Reasons Behind India-Canada Diplomatic Tensions

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Canada and India participants in these diplomatic tensions thus might have their own aims and objectives as fur as Canada is concerned it seems that Justin Trudeau political dependency over Jagmeet Singh led New Democratic Party (NDP) compelled him to take stand against India on asking of pro Khalistani lobby duly funded and logistically supported by ISI and China, whereas India knows it’s Geopolitical importance in Indo pacific region wherein Canada has direct interests and also India might seen an opportunity for India to permanently settle issue of pro Khalistani lobby actively working in Canada and UK through present diplomatic tensions before it officially joins US Led alliance to Check China.

 New Delhi (ABC Live): India-Canada diplomatic tensions over killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a terrorist under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in September 2020 have exposed the fault line between United States led alliances with China.

It is strange that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on 18/09/2024 made a statement in Canadian parliament that Canadian intelligence had identified a credible link between Nijjar murder agent of Indian government and these facts have also been brought into notice of his counterpart Narendra Modi at G20 New Delhi summit.

In furtherance of above said allegations, Canada expelled Pavan Kumar Rai, a top Indian diplomat in Canada who headed the operations of the Research and Analysis Wing, India's external intelligence agency, in Canada.

India categorically denied the Canadian Allegations as absurd and motivated and expelled Olivier Sylvestre, the chief of the Canadian intelligence office in India, the next day.

In Next Diplomatic move, Canada issued advisory to its citizens visiting India, wherein they are advised not to visit Jammu Kashmir, Manipur and Tripura in view of risk there, the fallowed the same by also issuing travel advisory for its citizens living in Canada asking them to observe high caution while in Canada as Canadian Government protects Khalistani terrorists.

In latest move on 21/09/2023, India announced to stopping granting visa to Canadian citizens keeping in view the threats caused to its diplomats posted in Canada by Khalistani terrorists duly protected by Canada.

The ABC Research Team working on current India-Canada diplomatic tensions reports on all possible reasons behind Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau allegation of linking India with killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, according to experts following reasons might worked and still working behind this diplomatic row just after successful G20 Summit under India;

1.   China is country which has direct interest in bringing this allegations over India as history of Chinese interfere in Canadian elections in there and China has already made deep  inroads into Canadian polity and intelligentsia. As per report Chinese intelligence agencies working in Canada has provided some resources to Canadian government through its political argents which ultimately forced Justin Trudeau to give statement in Parliament over Nijjar deaths despite knowing the facts that how crucial India is for US led alliance to check China.

2.     The second country which has direct interest is the United States as it on records that Canada foreign policy has directly influence by US dictums and It is impossible to think that Justin Trudeau did not kept its senior alliance partner like the US in loop before levelling serious allegation over India. The meaning hereby that CIA working in Canada might also work on issue with sole aim to keep India under control while tackling China through India.

3.  Canada and India participants in these diplomatic tensions thus might have their own aims and objectives as fur as Canada is concerned it seems that Justin Trudeau political dependency over Jagmeet Singh led New Democratic Party (NDP) compelled him to take stand against India on asking of pro Khalistani lobby duly funded and logistically supported by ISI and China, whereas India knows it’s Geopolitical importance in Indo pacific region wherein Canada has direct interests and also India might seen an opportunity for India to permanently settle issue of  pro Khalistani lobby actively working in Canada and UK through present diplomatic tensions before it officially joins US Led alliance to Check China.

The ABC Research Team is working on all the above aspects and will publish a report on India-Canada diplomatic tensions after 360 degree analysis.  

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